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“Life is one indivisible whole.” 

– Mahatma Gandhi

Working with our life coach will move you forward to a more balanced, fulfilled, and successful life.


Adult Coaching 

There is much sadness, angst, and hostility in the world. These feelings and thoughts are driving the behaviors for far too many of us. We are living in a perpetual cycle where we think and feel badly so we behave badly, and then when we behave badly, we feel badly. 

You can stop the cycle. With the help of a coach, you can replace sadness with expansion and happiness. You can replace angst with peace, and you can replace hostility with empathy, sympathy, and kindness. Sometimes we think if we could just find a new job or get a divorce, we’d be okay. We might even say that everything is fine at home and that work is what’s making us miserable.

Whatever the situation is, working with our life coach will move you forward to a more balanced, fulfilled, and successful life. Ours will be a one-on-one partnership in which we will co-actively design and execute plans that allow you to achieve your personal and professional goals and objectives. We will customize our relationship so that the focus is on you and your needs while staying true to the “co-active” coaching model.

Whatever rupture you are facing in life right now, you can bring it to full repair.

Some of your coach’s primary duties include guiding you on your journey toward self-discovery. It also involves holding a space for you to freely examine and experiment with ideas and feelings, challenging you to stretch beyond old ways, and making sure that you celebrate your successes.

Ultimately, our job and commitment to you here at Vox Omnis Executive and Life Coaching LLC in Martinsburg, West Virginia is to help you change your life.

Here’s How It Works:

  • The coach commits to ensuring that sessions (via phone and/or face-to-face) are peaceful and constructive experiences.
  • All sessions are completely confidential. You may, however, decide with your coach that a meeting with a third party or family unit is necessary.
  • Your coach commits to helping you explore, identify, and draw out of yourself “the you” that is your highest self—your “True Self.” This is a guided experience and is based on the belief that you already have the answers you seek and that your highest self is inside you right now.
  • Typically, coaching sessions are conducted via telephone (Skype is available). Calls generally last an hour, however the client and coach work out the specifics regarding time and frequency.
  • In terms of duration, most coaching agreements last for 12 weeks and are one hour per week. However, your schedule will be designed based on your needs
  • Before your first meeting with your coach, you and your coach will have an introductory conversation in which you will begin to establish some of your ground rules (e.g. who will initiate calls, if coaching is conducted by phone, what is the schedule, etc.)
  • Because coaching is a fluid process and consistency is critical, you will have assignments often to ensure that you can put into practice the various ideas or concepts that you have discussed with your coach.
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